This collection contains the the Unreal Tournament 99 package "MH-(MHA)-MortalPalace]13[" with fixes by Barbie. The modified map "MH-(MHA)-MortalPalace]13[.unr" has been renamed to "MH-(MHA)-MortalPalace]13[+SBFix1.unr".
Fix reasons
- The area around Mover1 had BSP errors.
Contact: SeriousBarbie at googlemail dot com
Filelist: see file "./Help/MH-(MHA)-MortalPalace]13[+SBFix1-md5sums.txt"
MH-(MHA)-MortalPalace]13[+SBFix1, Release 10 Jun 2016
- modified geometry of Brush34 to get rid of the BSP error
- shortened Brush48
- replaced Mover1 by a simple cube Mover9
- removed Class'Botpack.SuperShockRifle' from SkaarjLord0.DropWhenKilled: leads to unbalanced team play
- added SuperShockRifle in Krall arena
- replaced IntroDude0 and IntroDude1 with Knife to avoid PlayAnim error messages
- added "+Fix1 by Barbie" to LevelInfo0.Author
- moved some plants out of the ground
- repaired Brush44 (vertex was out of cylinder shape)
- removed ThingFactory4 (no prototype) and its SpawnPoints 32, 33, 34 (Tag 'mensajefinal')
- changed MonsterEvent0.Tag from 'MonsterEvent' to 'mensajefinal'
- removed SpecialEvent1 (no effect)
- added bot pathing
- moved WoodenBox0.Event 'starting' to Pupae0.Event, because Bots don't destroy WoodenBoxes intentionally
- replaced all ThingFactories by CreatureFactories